Курсовая работа: The translation of the infinive constructions

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Английский язык
Тип работы:
Курсовые работы
Количество страниц:





INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………. 3


1.1 Translation and its aims ……………………………………………………….. 4

1.2 Translation Theory: Object And Objectives …………………………………... 8

1.3 Main Types Of Translation ………………………………………………….. 10


2.1 Translating the infinitive …………………………………………………….. 13

2.2 The translation of the infinive constructions …………………………………    18

CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………….. 23

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………….. 25






2.1 Translating the infinitive



...  When translating the Complex Subject construction, it is recommended that the finite verb be translated first, and then the subject and the infinitive be joined to form a clause: After a few minutes the men were seen to be running in all directions. – Через несколько минут увидели, что эти люди бегут в разные стороны. The letter seems to have been opened. – Кажется, письмо уже вскрыли. The main verb of the sentence is translated with the indefinite or impersonal form (кажется, видели) or with a parenthetical phrase (конечно, по-видимому, очевидно): The reporters were certain to misunderstand his attendance... – Конечно, журналисты неправильно истолковали его присутствие .., or by an introductory phrase (согласно сообщению, как сообщают): The EPO is expected to make a final decision in the near future. – Как ожидают, Европейское патентное ведомство примет решение в ближайшем будущем.


When dealing with the for-to-infinitive construction, a translator substitutes an English simple sentence with a Russian complex one, i.e. s/he does the partitioning of the sentence: She arranged for the office to be opened by one of the security people. – Она устроила так, что офис открыл один из охранников. In some cases this type of construction can be rendered by a compound sentence: He was a very nice fellow, you had only to say you wanted something for him to give it to you. – Он был очень славный малый: стоило вам только сказать, что вам что-то нужно, и он тут же давал это вам.


Special difficulties can arise from the Absolute construction with the infinitive. This construction usually has the meaning either of concession or of successive events: With so much to say, the two said nothing. – И хотя этим двоим так много надо было сказать, они не сказали ничего. The resolution calls for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from occupied territories, with a peace conference to follow. – В резолюции содержится призыв вывести израильские войска с оккупированных территорий, после чего будет созвана мирная конференция.


The ways of translations of the infinitive constructions help to reveal their specific characters their individualities in the process of translation. So we should examine the most prevalent infinitive constructions.


I. The “for + to” infinitive constructions.


In the most cases fulfils the function of adverfal modifier of cause and aim. The translation depends on its function. The construction in which the infinitive is in a predicate relation to a noun or pronoun preceded  by the preposition “for”.


Examples: 1) for a force to exist there must be two objects involved.


The for + to – Infinitive – construction is used in the function of adverbal modifier of purpose. ...








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