Курсовая работа: Analysis of "The Dead Zone" by Stephen King

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2.1 The Lexical Problems of Transformation. 1

2.2 Analysis of "The Dead Zone" by Stephen King. 4


2.2 Analysis of "The Dead Zone" by Stephen King. 4


Let us consider the peculiarities of the lexical transformations used in the translation of a work by Stephen King "The Dead Zone".

As mentioned before, the translation of the transformation in practice in pure form are rare - usually they are, as will be seen from the following examples combined with each other. The translation of this work, translators use various transformations, both individually and in "complex".

Consider the following examples.

Example 1

They walked up the midway side by side again, waiting for the world to stop making unstable motions before their eyes and under their feet.

She's pretty religious, your mom, isn't she? Sarah asked.

She's as Baptist as you can get, Johnny agreed. But she's okay. She keeps it under control. She can't resist passing me a few tracts when I'm at home, but that's her thing. Daddy and I put up with it. I used to try to get on her case about it-I'd ask her who the heck was in Nod for Cain to go live with if his dad and mom were the first people on earth, stuff like that-but I decided it was sort of mean and quit it. Two years ago I thought Eugene McCarthy could save the world, and at least the Baptists don't have Jesus running for president.

Они снова пошли бок о бок по центральной аллее в ожидании, когда мир
перестанет качаться у них перед глазами и под ногами.

- Она очень религиозна, твоя мама? - спросила Сара.

- Она баптистка до мозга костей, - ответил Джонни. - Но она ничего.
Ее не заносит. Когда я дома, она не может удержаться и вечно подсовывает
мне брошюрки, но тут уж ничего не попишешь. Мы с отцом смирились. Я пытался было затевать с ней разговоры - скажем, спрашивал, с кем, черт подери, мог Каин сожительствовать в земле Нод, если его папаша и мамаша
были первыми людьми на Земле, ну и всякое такое, но потом решил, что
это, в общем-то, гадко, и бросил. Два года назад мне казалось - Юджин
Маккарти спасет мир... что до баптистов, то они по крайней мере не выставляют Иисуса кандидатом в президенты.

В данном примере мы встречаем отдельный прием функциональной замены: английское образное выражение переводится адекватным ему образным выражением русского языка.

Пример 27.thought I would just wait and see, you know. Wait and see if the preconditions for such a horrible future began to come into place.

Понимаешь, я думал: поживем - увидим. Поживем и увидим, появятся ли реальные приметы этой чудовищной перспективы

First, in this example, we can observe a rearrangement of the sentence to comply with the rules of the Russian language. Secondly, there is a series of transformations. First transformation - trace translation wait and see the Russian equivalent of wait and see. Then comes the simplification of English structures to come into place in a word will appear. The concept of the future as "the future" is specified to the word perspective. But the word of preconditions that have the value "background", the interpreter translated as real signs of that is due to the highly contextual.