Эссе: Alexander the Great

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... Such historians as Diodorus of Sicily, Arrian and Plutarch believe that Alexander used this acclaimed power to unite the two Empires, due to his quick approval of Persian dress upon becoming King, and performance of marriages at Susa. However, such scholars as A.B Bosworth, E. Badian and J.R Hamilton believe that Alexander used his influence to threaten Macedonian comradeship as a means of power through the entry of Persians into the army, and the speech of disfavor towards his men at Opis. Alexander never would have succeeded in fusing the two nations together, even if he had intended to do so because according the Hamilton, "the resistance to things oriental was one of the persistent factors of Alexander's reign" (485).  Throughout history, there have been demonstrations of great men seeking wealth outside of their own realms. From the time of Babul's quest for the wealth of India to that of Christopher Columbus' search for the spices of Asia, men have voyaged towards the east in pursuit for their desires. Nevertheless, these men from the west have always maintained a bias opinion of the east. The lands of the east were filled with barbaric and uncultured men, and yet these same men were envied for their riches. Throughout the writings about Alexander, the same position remained. Be it Diodorus or Quintus Curtius Rufus, each historian referred to the Persians as barbaric, but never ridiculed their immense wealth. For example, Rufus describes the account of Orsines, the satrap of Parasagada, in the following manner: Orsines [was] prominent among all the barbarians for high birth and wealth...he had wealth, both what he had inherited from his forefathers and what he himself had amassed during long possession of sovereignty. He met the king with gifts of every kind, intending to give presents not only to Alexander but to his friends as well. Troops of tamed horses followed him and chariots adorned with silver and gold, costly furniture and splendid gems, golden vases of great weight, purple vestments, and 3000 talents of coined silver. (X. I. 22-25) One only needs to take notice of the words used by Rufus: barbarian, wealth, gifts, silver and gold, costly furniture, and so forth, in order to gain an insight into the world of antiquity. This was a world measured upon material wealth. One was known, praised and envied for his riches, and yet was a barbarian, if he did not live in a Greek or Macedonian city-state.  ...