Доклад/Баяндама: International, Relations

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Initially, international relations as a distinct field of study was almost entirely British-centered. IR only emerged as a formal academic ‘discipline’ in 1918 with the founding of the first ‘chair’ (professorship) in IR - the Woodrow Wilson Chair at Aberystwyth, University of Wales, rapidly followed by establishment of IR at US universities and Geneva, Switzerland. from an endowment given by David Davies, became the first academic position dedicated to IR. In the early 1920s, the London School of Economics' department of International Relations was founded at the behest of Nobel Peace Prize winner Philip Noel-Baker.

On June 18, 2006, Kazakhstan joined the club of the world's space powers in its own right when it launched its first commercial satellite, KazSat 1, from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on a Russian built booster rocket.

In September 2006, the government announced that it is funding distribution of a multi million dollar movie called "Nomad" about the history of the nation. The ...

the first T is our “trust” in one another; the second is “tradition” and refers to our commitment to the fundamental principles and values of the OSCE; third comes “transparency”, which stands for maximum openness in international relations, free of “double standards” and “dividing lines”; and lastly, there is “tolerance”, reflecting the global trend towards a strengthening of dialogue between cultures and civilizations, which is gaining ever greater importance in the modern world. Basis of economic relations in the world economy is international trade.