Дипломная работа: «Роль ШОС в обеспечении региональной безопасности в Центральной Азии» (2020) Карагандинский экономический университет Казпотребсоюза

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1.1         Теоретические аспекты региональной безопасности. 7

1.2 Виды международных организаций и их деятельность в поддержании региональной безопасности. 11

1.3 Этапы развития ШОС: взаимодействие со странами Европейского Союза и США   14


2.1         ШОС в обеспечении безопасности в Центральной Азии. 24

2.2 Ситуационный анализ социально-экономического сотрудничества стран ШОС. Потенциал и перспективы развития ШОС.. 31

2.3 Потенциал и перспективы развития организации: ситуационный анализ. 38


3.1 Казахстан и ШОС: факторы взаимодействия. 42

3.2         Республика Казахстан и страны СНГ: состояние, проблемы и перспективы двустороннего сотрудничества в сфере безопасности. 51




Актуальность исследования. Шанхайская организация сотрудничества (далее ШОС), на современном этапе развития, обладает большими возможностями. Не так давно, ее можно было характеризовать только как международную организацию, которая занимается приграничными вопросами и проблемами разоружения стран-членов. Развитие ШОС привело к тому, что отношения между странами Центральной Азии приобрели не только углубленные дипломатические связи и экономическое партнерство, но и взаимодействие в вопросах безопасности в регионе.

После окончания «холодной войны» и распада СССР, на международной арене появились новые развивающиеся государства и вопросы приграничной и национальной безопасности стали более актуальными, чем обычно. В связи с этим, набирают свою популярность международные организации. ШОС, как молодая международная организация, показывает прогресс в дипломатических отношениях XXI века.

Значимость исследования международно-правовых аспектов статуса и деятельности ШОС определена повышением роли международных организаций в международных отношениях с середины двадцатого и к началу двадцать первого столетия. Беспристрастной базой этого считается возрастающая взаимосвязь стран, усиление действий региональной интеграции, когда решение многочисленных вопросов, которые носят единую и трансграничную направленность, возможно только коллективными стараниями посредством многосторонних механизмов.

По своему потенциалу, ШОС относится к крупнейшим региональным организациям стран: общая площадь стран-членов ШОС - Казахстан, Китай, Киргизия, Россия, Таджикистан, Узбекистан, Индия и Пакистан является больше половины площади Евразии, население - более 1,5 млрд. человек, совокупный коэффициент (ВВП) стран - членов ШОС превышает 1,5 трлн. долларов.


1.1 Теоретические аспекты региональной безопасности

International security is a complex concept that has a historical aspect. On the development of social awareness of views about the ways and means of providing international security, military-political and legal content of the definition, the nature of the relationship between national and international security, and in addition to proper rulemaking and enforcement actions of both countries in different epochs of human history seriously influenced by the rethinking of the concepts of war and peace in international relations – the relation between law and power.

The first peace conference in the Hague, in 1899, played an important role in the issue of war and peace. Initially, the conference was held to address the issue of disarmament and limiting the arms race [70].

However, this conference did not achieve its original goals, but was an excellent attempt to solve the problem through multilateral diplomacy. The first issue at this conference was related to the issue of international security.

The first international security organization was the League of Nations, formed in 1919. The creation of this Association has served as a significant change in the modern arena of international relations. Countries have a chance to replace military-political blocs with a system of collective security. The position of the League of Nations stipulated that member countries were forbidden to resort to such a means of conducting foreign policy as war, and was designated to resort to it only as a last resort. In accordance with article twelve of the Statute, the members of the League agreed that "if there is a conflict between them that could provoke a break in relations, they will use the arbitration court or submit to the consideration of the Council. They refuse to go to war for three months after the decision of the arbitrators or the report of the Council."

Soon, a significant development of the League of Nations was the signing in 1928 of the Paris agreement on the renunciation of war as a state policy. In their opinion, the solution of international conflicts should be peaceful.

1.2 Виды международных организаций и их деятельность в поддержании региональной безопасности

There are special organizations that work together in one special area (for example, the universal postal Union) and have every chance to be divided into political, economic, social, spiritual, religious, scientific, etc.

International non-governmental organizations (INGOs) is an international institution founded on the basis of legal and (or) physical persons. Currently, there are more than 8 thousand international non-governmental organizations, such as the international Committee of the red cross (ICRC) and the international criminal law Association (ICLA).

Such institutions are not considered subjects of international law, but they have a number of rights and obligations. They speak on behalf of the wider international community and address countries and inter-state (intergovernmental) institutions on various issues of international life [58].

International organizations are considered secondary or derivative subjects of international law and are formed (established) by countries.

The most common method of forming an international organization is considered to be the conclusion of an international Treaty. The names of this document may differ:

* Statute (League of Nations);

• the Charter (the United Nations);

* Convention (universal postal Union), etc.

International organizations can be formed by another international organization, that is, by its decision. Usually, such decisions are made by the UN, forming independent organizations with the status of an additional body of the General Assembly [52].

The agreed desire of the member countries of an international organization is also considered to be the termination of its existence. Most often, the elimination of the organization is carried out by the method of accepting a certain document. For example, on June 28, 1991, COMECON was eliminated in Budapest. A liquidation Council was established to settle disputes and complaints. It is now recognized that countries, when creating new institutions, give them a specific legal capacity, thereby creating a new legal entity that performs various necessary functions in the field of international partnership. The difference in legal capacity of organizations is a minimal and more purposeful (multifunctional) type of opportunities.

One of the elements of the legal status of an international organization is conditional legal capacity, i.e. the ability to conclude a variety of agreements within the framework of personal competence. It is fixed in a General provision (various contracts) or in a special provision (specific groups of contracts and specific parties).

International organizations can participate in diplomatic relations. They can have representative offices in countries (UN Advisory centers) or they are accredited consulates of countries.

1.3 Этапы развития ШОС: взаимодействие со странами Европейского Союза и США

The pre-SCO organization, the Shanghai five, was originally designed primarily to build confidence and reduce military forces in China's border areas with Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. After the Cold war, changes at the international and regional levels, peace and development became the trend of the time. The issue of the day was to strengthen relations of good-neighborliness, mutual trust, friendship and partnership between the five aforementioned neighboring States. In 1996 and 1997, the leaders of the five countries, at meetings in Shanghai and Moscow, signed the "agreement on confidence-building in the military sphere in border areas" and the "agreement on mutual reduction of armed forces in border areas", which was a significant historical step that led from the very beginning to the mechanism called the "Shanghai five". After that, the model of annual meetings was created and held alternately in each of the five States. The essence of the meetings and, finally, the issues of increasing confidence in strengthening education in border areas to discuss a more profitable partnership [Agreement between the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan and the PRC on mutual reduction of armed forces in the border area//http:www.inpravo.ru].

At the meeting of the heads of state and government of the five States in Shanghai, it was assumed that the annual meetings of the "Shanghai five" would take place, which in fact meant the beginning of work.

The "Shanghai five" has passed through 3 stages in its development.

The first stage is from November 1989 to December 1991. There was a dialogue between China and the USSR on the mutual reduction of armed forces on the border territory and the strengthening of confidence-building measures in the military sphere. The governments of the USSR and China signed an agreement on the fundamental principles of mutual reduction of the armed forces and confidence-building in the military sphere on the border territory. The parties agreed to conduct mutual reductions of the armed forces and strengthen confidence-building measures in the military sphere in the area of the Soviet-Chinese border [30].

The parties expressed interest in establishing relations and resolving border issues.



2.1 ШОС в обеспечении безопасности в Центральной Азии

The collapse of the USSR and the formation of new independent state entities in Eurasia were the circumstances that destabilized the concept of global and regional relations. After all the historical events, new conflicts and security threats have occurred in the region. Three forces: terrorism, extremism and separatism seriously threaten the security and stability of all States [4].

The activities of terrorism and the distribution of drugs required immediate intervention. The SCO made an attempt to stabilize the region. The organization has established its core values for maintaining security by first addressing the issue of fighting terrorism, extremism and separatism.

The region has not only created the SCO's three forces of evil, but also the problems of drug trafficking, weapons and transnational crime, environmental problems, and socio-economic education.the SCO will determine how effectively it can solve these problems. [28].

SCO in the fight against three forces of Evil.

In the ten years since the founding of the Shanghai five and the SCO, we have achieved great success in the field of security.

Thus, the SCO has formed a number of elements and facilities that are able to regulate security measures in the region. The organization began to develop within the framework of the law. First, the Convention on combating terrorism, separatism and extremism was signed, aimed at forming practical interaction between law enforcement agencies and special services in the fight against these issues, and other agreements were signed [39].

Later, the "Agreement between the SCO member States on the Regional anti-terrorist structure" was signed [28].

Having been formed, rats has made every effort to fulfill the tasks of fighting terrorism and extremism. Thus, according to the head of the Executive Committee of the SCO Council, Vyacheslav Kasimov, at the end of an important previous meeting of the RATS on April 4, 2006, during the life of the structure, it was possible to combine efforts to find at least 15 leaders of terrorist organizations, 250 attacks were prevented in six regions of the state. Within the framework of the common database on terrorism, a common "list of persons declared for search at the international level for crimes in the terrorist, separatist and extremist spheres" was created [16].

2.2 Ситуационный анализ социально-экономического сотрудничества стран ШОС. Потенциал и перспективы развития ШОС

Despite the fact that the SCO was initially formed for the purpose of collective protection of the borders of neighboring countries, almost immediately its activities acquired an economic focus. A few months after the start of the SCO's activities, at their first meeting in Almaty, the Prime Ministers of the member States of the Shanghai cooperation organization discussed issues of regional trade and economic partnership, SCO development and other issues, signed a Memorandum between the governments of the SCO member States on the key goals and directions of regional economic partnership and the launch of a process to create favorable conditions for trade and investment.

The following year, the first meeting of the Ministers of economy and trade of the SCO member States was held in Shanghai. The parties have officially launched a system for holding meetings of Ministers of economy and trade and creating favorable conditions for trade and investment. According to the results of the meeting, a Protocol was signed to the Memorandum between the governments of the SCO member States on the key goals and directions of regional economic partnership and the launch of the process to create suitable conditions for trade and investment, and a joint statement on the results of the first meeting of Ministers responsible for foreign economic and trade work [47].

In September 2003, the heads of government of the SCO member States signed the program of multilateral trade and economic partnership for 20 years. The long-term goal is to create a free trade area in the SCO, and in the short term - to increase the flow of goods in the region. Joint work should include energy, transport, agriculture, telecommunications, environmental protection, etc. The partnership action plan was signed a year later, in September 2004.

According to a number of experts, the SCO's organizational construction has been very protracted, and numerous memoranda and declarations have not been properly personified in practice for a long period. In addition, when implementing action projects on various trends in economic partnership, it turned out that their implementation is hindered by several problems due to differences in the structures and functioning of economic concepts. As a result, almost none of the previously approved economic partnership projects were launched. According to the President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs, A. N. Shokhin, the process of developing the concept of multilateral economic partnership within the Organization was completed by the formation of the Business Council in June 2006, which, being not a state structure, connects the state and economic spheres of the SCO member States. The real impetus for the formation of two major plans (the formation of transport infrastructure and energy resources) was given at the Council of heads of government in Dushanbe on September 15, 2006. [3]


2.3 Потенциал и перспективы развития организации: ситуационный анализ

The Shanghai cooperation organization strives for universality of its operations by performing various tasks, but so far, in addition to the field of counter-terrorism, it has not formed any legislative or institutional mechanisms for their implementation. In addition, the desire to fulfill numerous problems and solve various difficulties can lead to a loss of productivity or the entire organization, or to the disproportionate formation of partnership projects, the dominance of any nuance. There are already attempts to give the SCO a significant economic focus. For example, specialists at the conference "Problems of economic and financial cooperation within the framework of the SCO" showed determination in the priority of economic issues. Recently, the desire to renounce the "power profile" and not the military component has led to more frequent notification of the SCO's financial tasks. Moreover, if the economic component dominates, it will threaten to distribute the interests of participants in the distribution of the budget [9].

The economic component of the work is increasingly gaining documentary, institutional and practical features. Recently, a Business Council and an Interbank Association have been established, and appropriate projects and agreements have been signed. 120 financial projects have been developed in 11 partnership areas. China has allocated 900 million rubles. in total, $ 2 billion worth of agreements were signed. Given the fact that the budget of the Executive Committee of the rats is $ 1, 33 million, the advantage of the SCO's anti-terrorist work does not look like this, of course. There are no plans related to security, incident prevention (despite the fact that such a possibility was shown at the anniversary summit in Shanghai), humanitarian aspects of the fight against drug addiction, as there are no projects for the prevention, disclosure and treatment of HIV infections and infected people, especially in drug - trafficking settlements. Solutions to these difficulties remain within the framework of declarations.


3.1 Казахстан и ШОС: факторы взаимодействия

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization has established itself in the Central Asian region as a dialogue platform between the CAR countries, China and Russia on foreign policy issues. Having appeared on the political scene, the SCO has passed all stages of formation. The participating countries have managed to come to a common agreement on the legal basis of the organization and are now working in a spirit of partnership and cooperation.

Regional security and stability in the light of recent political events are paramount for the SCO. The fight against the three evils requires only a joint solution and a common response. These issues are more relevant than ever in the modern world and thus indicate areas for action. With a well-developed regulatory framework in place, the SCO has achieved notable and significant results in its activities. The organization, despite the various goals of the countries, has managed to create a safe space for the progressive development of interaction in the fields of economy, politics and the armed forces, which undoubtedly testifies to the productivity of its work.

But the world is not standing still, security risks are being modernized, and new challenges are being thrown at the Organization. Therefore, the SCO, in order not to be outsiders, must be aware of all the latest security developments in the region and in the world, analyze, study and forecast new phenomena and trends in the world, and be able to quickly respond to all new challenges. Only in the conditions of continuous growth of competencies can we talk about competitiveness among the same organizations as, for example, the CSTO, CICA. The potential of the SCO and its influence on other countries will grow only when working towards a joint result.

So, the formation of the SCO was influenced in 1996-2001 by the joint work of the so-called "Shanghai five" countries, which included China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The SCO functionalized as an intergovernmental regional organization.

The main reason for the unification of these countries was, first of all, the threat from the border territory, which is still the epicenter of instability in Central Asia – Afghanistan, where at the time of the organization's creation there was a civil war between the forces of the Northern coalition and the Taliban movement. Thus, initially, having made an attempt to settle the situation in a peaceful direction in order to achieve mutual understanding in military conflicts, they were signed in 1996-1997. "Agreement on confidence-building in the military field in the border area" and " Agreement on mutual reduction of armed forces in the border area "[73].

3.2 Республика Казахстан и страны СНГ: состояние, проблемы и перспективы двустороннего сотрудничества в сфере безопасности

According to the Charter of the CIS adopted in 1993, the Commonwealth countries had the opportunity to form a collective security force to ensure the national security of States, this became possible in the CSTO format. In the second Chapter we have considered the mechanisms of direct cooperation, the present section will focus on the bilateral format of cooperation of Kazakhstan with the CIS countries, determine the current status and experience of countering threats in each of them.

The main feature of cooperation between the CIS countries is the convergence of the main legislative acts in the field of defense and security, where the approval of Model laws is fundamental.

For example, the Interparliamentary Committee of the Republics of Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic adopted the Model law "on security" in 1999, which regulates security issues and is the basis for the adoption of national legislative acts in the field of security.

This legislative act defines the main categories and definitions:

– "state security" – the state of protection of the country's interests from real and potential threats;

- "external security" – the state of protection of the state's interests from threats from foreign States, organizations and citizens;

- "military security" – the state of protection of the state from real and potential threats and encroachments of a military nature on the independence and territorial integrity of the country;

- "interests of the state" – a set of political, economic, social and other needs of the state, on the implementation of which depends the ability of the state to protect the constitutional rights of man and citizen, the values of society, and the fundamental state institutions;

- "information security" – the state of protection of state information resources, as well as individual rights and public interests in the information sphere;


The SCO's anti-terrorist orientation clearly prevails in ensuring security. You can see the exact elaboration of this type of struggle in comparison with other security nuances. For the formation of other currents, it is clearly necessary to form special stable organs on the model of rats. In today's version, the rats demonstrates a convincing struggle and its coordination among member countries. The organizational, structural and legal basis for this fight against the "three forces of evil" has been developed. Practical joint work has been established between special departments and ministries, as well as international organizations.

Other security partnership trends are not well developed or not developed at all. Joint work in the fight against drug trafficking is better formed than others. again, there is a lack of a stable structure - an anti-Drug Center that would take over the implementation of established tasks and coordinate the operations of special services, the development of special plans.

Non-priority security issues remain only on paper, and no practical steps are being taken. The goal of making the SCO universal is only to fight the three forces of evil and work together economically. There is no real universality of the SCO in fulfilling the vast problems and goals that are spelled out in its main documents.

Therefore, to implement the problem of universality of the organization, you need to do the following:

1) to strengthen independent work in the fight against the spread and production of drugs, as soon as possible to form a stable structure for the fight against drugs with the main office in the transit region. To develop special plans for the fight against drugs, to contribute to biological research with the goal of eradication of narcotic plants. The SCO should also improve its educational work to combat drug addiction;

2) improve joint work with other international structures (UN, OSCE), primarily in the fight against "non-priority" threats: the spread of infectious diseases, human trafficking, environmental issues and water resources distribution, nuclear non-proliferation, and others. Consolidate with the CSTO in the fight against drug trafficking;